Our New Summer Hours Tomball Houston

New Summer Hours - click here

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#SpasUnlimited wants to wish you a happy Thanksgiving! Here’s what we’re thankful for this fall. #hottublife #Thanksgiving Share on X

Our Team

It’s time to count our blessings, and what better place to start than with our team? No business can survive for long without a dedicated group determined to make it the best it can be. Spas Unlimited is blessed and lucky to have a team of employees who work tirelessly to help our customers. We’re grateful for everything they do!

Our Customers

Of course, no business can survive without customers either. Thank you so much for trusting us to give you quality hot tubs, massage chairs, and more for your customized therapy experience! Customer satisfaction is our highest goal and we’re so thankful you gave us the chance to prove it.

Beautiful Fall Weather

Houston weather tends to fluctuate between uncomfortably chilly and unbearably hot. Rarely does it hit the perfect, balmy temperatures we’ve experienced lately. This is the perfect time of year to enjoy that new hot tub! We’re so glad that we can finally spend time outdoors without bringing sunscreen or a sweater.

Pro Tip: Take advantage of this weather while it lasts! Have a Thanksgiving party outside to enjoy these temperatures before cooler weather arrives.


As the holiday season begins, we hope you can take the time to be with your loved ones and enjoy Thanksgiving. Those of us at Spas Unlimited look forward to giving you the best spas possible so you can relax and make this busy season an enjoyable one![/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]