It’s an unfortunate fact of life that you can’t take your hot tub on vacation with you. As your house sits empty while you’re gone, your hot tub will be unattended at home. And in the rush of packing and rushing to leave for vacation, it’s all too easy to forget that your hot tub Read More
Plenty of people love bubble baths and long soaks in bubbly water. However, a layer of bubbles or foam in your hot tub is not a good sign. Since a spa functions different from a bathtub, foam in your spa water indicates a problem and could cause more issues if the foam gets into your Read More
Swim spas, especially the kind with a section for relaxation as well as exercise, are an excellent type of hot tub for homeowners. Who doesn’t love a good water workout followed by a relaxing soak in a jetted spa? But before you buy your new swim spa, consider how and where you’d like to install Read More