If you’re in the market for a new hot tub, then you’re probably wondering which one is right for you. There are many models available from different manufacturers, and while the features you choose to incorporate into the tub all depend on what needs you’re trying to meet, you will notice a price difference across Read More
Throughout the past year, hot tubs have surged in popularity, with some areas seeing a 30 to 40 percent increase in demand. This unprecedented surge, coupled with the drop in production thanks to COVID shutdowns, has caused a supply shortage among hot tub manufacturers. Demand is so high that many hot tub retailers have sold Read More
Incorporating a hot tub into your backyard is a wonderful addition to your home. You can soothe aching muscles, decompress after a long day and just give your body the reprieve it deserves. While some may steer away from a hot tub because of the responsibility required to care for it, basic hot tub maintenance Read More